Have you ever had a gearbox-related question that you wished could be answered via a live chat? Maybe you like to multitask on your computer, or just don’t have time for a phone call. No worries—STOBER’s live chat feature makes it easy to get the information you need.
When you get to the stober.com homepage, the live chat will automatically pop up. We know, those things can be annoying sometimes, but they’re also super helpful when you need them!
Upon pop up, you have the option to select “I’m just browsing” to silence the chat, an option for career information, or “Chat with an agent,” which will give you direct access to one of our application engineers.
Go ahead, try to stump them! Give us your worst – your biggest challenges, your most demanding situations – because you’ll always get our best.
If you’d rather chat with a bot, we have that option, too. Gerhardt Gearhead can ask you a series of questions to direct you to the right place to improve your product quality, delivery, and service. But chances are, if you’ve found the STOBER website, you’re already in the right place anyway.