When sizing for applications that require precision, many engineers only consider backlash. However, backlash is only one piece of the puzzle. There are many other elements to keep in mind.
Total lost motion is crucial when sizing applications requiring dynamic and precise movement. Lost motion encompasses backlash, play between components, strength of the transmission, and material deformities.
Here are 2 key areas to examine when sizing for precise applications:
1. Backlash – The more backlash a gearbox has, the less precise it will be in the application.
2. Torsional stiffness – The higher the torsional stiffness, the easier it is to have a repeatable movement.
With STOBER’s Generation 3 Planetary series, you can eliminate backlash and lost motion. This new gearbox series features wider gear teeth, so there’s more surface area contact. It offers smoothness of motion and up to a 50% increase in stiffness. There is also an option for reduced backlash, allowing you to take advantage of the most precise unit on the market. Every unit is tested for friction, noise, ratio, and runout on our state-of-the-art end of line tester.
Want to learn more? Check out our Power Tips episode!