“18 spills, leaks, fires or explosions happen every day at wells and pipelines.” – CBS News
Applications and Solutions in the Energy Industry
Are your gearboxes protected against ignition sources? STOBER gearboxes are. Our products are ATEX Certified and can help get your machine ATEX rated. They are protected against mechanically-generated sparks, electrostatic discharge, and high surface temperatures. Not only are they certified, but they can handle rapid dithering positioning to prevent spills or leaks.
Automating process systems with servo technology allows for quicker responses. This typically requires rapid dithering positioning. STOBER can handle this need with several products. An ATEX explosion-proof rating is available.
1. Explosive ratings required
2. Rapid positioning
3. Extreme power for demanding applications
Servo gearboxes for every mounting position
STOBER gearboxes are available in various designs as inline or right-angle gearboxes. The latter provide a particularly space-saving design.
High-performance, extremely precise, reliable and outstanding in their particularly wide range of adaptations.
All gearboxes have high-quality helical gearing, giving you gearboxes with smooth operation and backlash stability that are second to none.
Your choice: rack and pinion or a screw drive?
With its rack and pinion drives, STOBER offers ready-to-install solutions consisting of pinions, gear racks and planetary gearboxes in various designs – adapted to the different demands on load capacity and precision.
STOBER’s ballscrew motors eliminate extra components, offer better performance, and run cooler than other motors.
The most compact planetary geared motors on the market
STOBER planetary gearboxes are the most compact on the market in terms of versatility. Due to the lower mass moment of inertia by leaving out a motor adapter, you can also utilize the full dynamics of the drive.
The excellent housing and gearing quality ensures high acceleration torques and also the highest running accuracy and precision.
You will be convinced of the extraordinary variety of combinations and options from which you can find the right solution for your application.
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