Let STOBER Documented Cost Savings calculate your expenditure reduction

It’s well known that STOBER products last longer, require less maintenance, use less energy, and optimize the plant floor. But don’t just take our word for it–use our Documented Cost Savings tool to calculate just how much your company could save by using STOBER.

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stober gearboxes are the least expensive you'll ever own

It’s well known that STOBER products last longer, require less maintenance, use less energy, and optimize the plant floor. But don’t just take our word for it–use our Documented Cost Savings tool to calculate just how much your company could save by using STOBER.

With the Documented Cost Savings tool, the initial cost of the product(s) are taken into account and customers still see savings figures of $6 million, $10 million, and even $15 million.

The tool shows proven savings in critical areas, including:

  • Reliability – STOBER keeps you up an running. No unplanned downtime equals cost savings for your organization.
  • Inventory – Our engineers can create a standard list of products, simplifying inventory needs.
  • Lubrication – STOBER’s superior quality means no oil leaks. Throw away drip pans, stop adding oil to units, and enjoy the savings.
  • Plant Efficiencies – All the benefits of STOBER result in more uptime, better energy efficiency, and much more!

For example, one customer in the food industry purchased approximately 1,200 STOBER products. The Documented Cost Savings shows that their realized inventory savings is more than $3.4 million, realized energy savings of more than $1.2 million, and realized oil savings of almost $1.5 million. When you factor in savings in training and emergency repairs, their overall savings adds up to about $5 million.

Another customer in the beverage industry purchased 14 units with a realized inventory savings of about $58,000. Their realized energy savings is almost $24,000 and realized oil savings is nearly $27,000. Adding it all up, their 14-unit investment saved them nearly $100,000.

Documented Cost Savings can:

  • Provide estimated cost savings based on industry standard values
  • Provide exact application information and calculate exact savings based on specific plant and gearbox
  • Track all reducers in the field and calculate total savings down to specific drive location serial number
  • Get a summary at the plant location or divisional layer
  • Review data on labor and eliminated downtime savings through the KSS and MR refurb programs after 5+ years in service

Our team is always available to help walk you through the best solutions for your application. Let us save you time and resources by doing the heavy lifting on sizing, installation, and training!

Learn more about STOBER’s Documented Cost Savings by clicking the link below or contact us at (888) 786-2371 or via email at sales@stober.com.

Our Three Pillars – Quality, Delivery, Service

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Mechatronics suppliers are plentiful, but they aren’t all made equal. STOBER is proud to be the gold standard, with top-notch industry knowledge and industry-leading products.

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Are you frustrated by the current lead times you’re being quoted? At STOBER, we’re proud to build and ship in one day from our facility in Maysville, Kentucky.

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STOBER’s service department offers several levels of expert analysis to inspect products after they have been installed in the field. Our team is committed to having you back up and running as quickly as possible.